I've mentioned Eddie in previous posts about running with me, racing, and texting. Lately we've chosen to run on Wednesday afternoons. Eddie is a great guy, we met because he's one of my larger vendor reps and we get along really well. After a few lunches together, we decided last year that we'd run a 5k together. That was the 4th of July run that he just pulled me through the course. Ever since then I've taken my running a little more seriously and have tried to remain consistent - and I think I've done a pretty good job.

* Graph didn't turn out too well - it's supposed to be total miles per month, last 12 months......

* Graph didn't turn out too well - it's supposed to be total miles per month, last 12 months......
Other than Feb of this year (vacation) - I've done a pretty damm good job. But I digress, back to my topic. Eddie lately has been flaking big time. Every week he calls or texts asking me if we're running on Wednesday. Every week I answer with a yes, and every week he either bails or cancels. Shoot even this week - he pulled a no-show didn't no-call. Now I'm a pretty laid back guy, but no call? That's pretty uncool.
Why do I put up with this? That's a good question. Overall he's a good guy to hang out with. A former marine, father, and husband we have a lot in common (other than the military part). I like his stories, and it's very easy to get along with him. I think I put up with it because during our talks together he's opened up to me and I know he's going through a difficult time with his wife - I think it takes more out of him than he realizes.....
Still I'd like the chance to help him on his running like he did for me last year. I just hope I get that chance.
One finally note: My darling wife the other day commented to me, "It's our 8-year anniversary and not one mention of it on your blog? You devote a whole post toward Bogey, but not even a line for our anniversary?" OK, yeah, hindsight says I most likely should have mentioned it because I know she reads this from time-to-time. My thought process was that I wanted to keep certain things private and excluded for this blog since it's essentially a running blog - so I didn't see the need to 'spread my joy' with my readers (the few and faithful). But Beth is right - I should have mentioned it. I love you and thank you for the 8 wonderful years we have spent married together. Thank you for giving me a family, raising our children, and keeping our house and lives (including our finances) together. You have made me the man that I am today; the man I wanted to be. Thank you for putting up with my crap, my 'personality traits', and weird mood swings. Thank you for letting me disappear on my 'long days' to run. I remember our trip to Cabo, the juant to TJ, the times at the river. I remember buying the condo and then the house - you were always the stable force behind me. No words I can say or posts I can make could even start to describe my love for you. You are my best friend and will always be. I can't wait to spend the next 8 years of my life with you......
Let's Keep Steppin' together -
Why do I put up with this? That's a good question. Overall he's a good guy to hang out with. A former marine, father, and husband we have a lot in common (other than the military part). I like his stories, and it's very easy to get along with him. I think I put up with it because during our talks together he's opened up to me and I know he's going through a difficult time with his wife - I think it takes more out of him than he realizes.....
Still I'd like the chance to help him on his running like he did for me last year. I just hope I get that chance.
One finally note: My darling wife the other day commented to me, "It's our 8-year anniversary and not one mention of it on your blog? You devote a whole post toward Bogey, but not even a line for our anniversary?" OK, yeah, hindsight says I most likely should have mentioned it because I know she reads this from time-to-time. My thought process was that I wanted to keep certain things private and excluded for this blog since it's essentially a running blog - so I didn't see the need to 'spread my joy' with my readers (the few and faithful). But Beth is right - I should have mentioned it. I love you and thank you for the 8 wonderful years we have spent married together. Thank you for giving me a family, raising our children, and keeping our house and lives (including our finances) together. You have made me the man that I am today; the man I wanted to be. Thank you for putting up with my crap, my 'personality traits', and weird mood swings. Thank you for letting me disappear on my 'long days' to run. I remember our trip to Cabo, the juant to TJ, the times at the river. I remember buying the condo and then the house - you were always the stable force behind me. No words I can say or posts I can make could even start to describe my love for you. You are my best friend and will always be. I can't wait to spend the next 8 years of my life with you......
Let's Keep Steppin' together -
Uh oh, busted! I know the feeling. August will be 13 years for me and the Lovely and Talented Miss Julie.
As for running with your friend, you can just plan on always running on Wednesday, and if he chooses to show up, all the better.
So sweet :-)
So cute! Glad you guys are together and that's a bummer about Eddie.. I guess just hang in there and hopefully he can make time again soon! :)
I think wives only read blogs when important dates are coming up... I know that I've been busted once or twice before too for not mentioning one date or another :)
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