Monday, March 2, 2009

Starting a New Month

This month I want to log about 70 miles - and also sign up for a 5k race that takes place on Memorial Day. It's another pretty big race that has a 1/2 Mary with it - so it's fun to run in. I'll talk about it more when I get closer to it.

Like I mentioned already - my vacation was great. I can't tell you home much more relaxed I am. Today was my first day back at the office and I felt pretty good. I even had enough time to take a nice walk during my lunch. Only 1.7 miles but it was good to get outside.

Tomorrow will be my first 'run' after I put the kids down so I'm looking forward to that. Maybe something small 2-4 miles only at a very easy pace.

On the social side, I spent about 1hr today talking/planning my HS 20-year reunion. I spoke with an old friend on the phone today for the first time since we left school. Since I was our school President my Senior year I was nominated to get us all together. I'll weigh in every once in a while to keep you posted on the planning progress.

Alex Chillin' in Maui

I've got a ton of new pictures that I'll be sharing - including a few from some trails that I run locally. (Got to love the new camera.)

Keep Steppin'

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